Saturday, September 21, 2013


How to use ?
- First see this video: Video Tutorial
- Download and run CFPro Modz
- Go to CrossFire


Monday, July 1, 2013

CrossFire Alpha appearence editor

Now, i will show you how to show a ghost in a crossfire

We still need C++ and know how to make an undetected dll, you can look in my post.

First, what is findpattern?

FindPattern is a function, you can use it to find binary array in your module, i have found it


bool bCompare(const BYTE* pData, const BYTE* bMask, const char* szMask)
if(*szMask=='x' && *pData!=*bMask)   return 0;
return (*szMask) == NULL;

DWORD FindPattern(DWORD dwAddress,DWORD dwLen,BYTE *bMask,char * szMask)
for(DWORD i=0; i<dwLen; i++)
if (bCompare((BYTE*)(dwAddress+i),bMask,szMask))  return (DWORD)(dwAddress+i);
return 0;

Very easy, i have done my code, look

WallHackArray = FindPattern(0x400000,0xFFFFFF,(BYTE *)"\x75\xFF\x83\x0D\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\x01\xB8\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xE8","x?xx????xx????x"); // this array to get the DrawPrimivite

SeeGhostPoint = *(DWORD *)(WallHackArray + 0xA) + 0xB8; // This stack call alpha appearence

Now define your function

Normal value of seeghostpoint is 5
To show it you can push 14

*(DWORD *)(SeeGhostPoint) = 14;
*(DWORD *)(SeeGhostPoint) = 5;

Nice, keep it up :D

Global hook

Global hook is injected your code to all process and all executable are working in your system

How to work?

There are 2 types

in this we have 15 small types

for example:

WH_KEYBOARD: Allow messenger of keyboard
WH_MOUSE: Allow event from mouse

Step1 :

Create dll have your function:

LRESULT CALLBACK <Function name>(int nCode, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)

in your function, we can do everything, but you need follow some rules
- if nCode < 0, dont do anything, call back CallNextHookEx() and return defaul value
- Function must return other value, not 0

Step 2: Create a hook
HHOOK SetWindowsHookEx(int idHook, HOOKPROC lpfn, HINSTANCE hMod, DWORD dwThreadId)

All agrument have this meaning

+ idHook Your hook type
+ lpfn address hook
+ hMod handle of your dll
+ dwThreadID determine your range of hook

Unhook your function: BOOL UnhookWindowsHookEx(HHOOK hHook)

After all step, you need export hook function then call it from other process
use EXPORTS with a def file

Hook is very difficle , you need learn more to improve your skill

Preview Midfunction hook

Hello, today we will learn how to make an midfunction hooking

For all beginner, you should test it with d3d9 cause d3d9.dll have the same address for both all program in an OS

First, define a naked function

__declspec( naked ) VOID WINAPI EndSceneMidfunction( )

Now, try first hook with EndScene in d3d9.dll

Look in this picture, we have 0x4fe571b0 is the address, now attack ollydbg then go to this address

Now look on this, to make a jump, we need 5 bytes, let hook on this header

Save all memory will be modified to nake function

__declspec( naked ) VOID WINAPI EndSceneMidfunction( )
mov edi,edi
push ebp
mov ebp,esp

after we detoured we need jump back ogrinal function, look on it we have 0x4fe571b5 cause we hooked on 5 bytes first

DWORD back = 0x4fe571b5;

__declspec( naked ) VOID WINAPI EndSceneMidfunction( )
mov edi,edi
push ebp
mov ebp,esp
//do your work here
_asm jmp back;

how to get the device?

_asm mov eax,dword ptr ds:[ebp + 0x8] // first agrument LPDIRECT9DEVICE pDevice
_asm mov pDevice,eax; // need define

Now you can draw everything with it :D

How to create an undetected dll

Here is the guide to create an undetected dll for anygame

First, you need Visual Studio, can download it on

Open VS, create new project win32, empty dll

How to use code?

Need include library, we have 2 major libraries

#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>

Now start:

Put your function like writeprocessmemory, readprocessmemry, faster use DWORD, BYTE, FLOAT
Make a void function

Void YourThread()

In that, you need put a while to access memory.


A sleep can make your game not lag

Last Step Create dll main


if(dwReason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH)
return true;

Congratulation on creating tool :D

You can use VB6 to make a injector

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

TIP for crossfire

Do you love playing crossfire? You are feeling bored with playing cheat normally, dont worries, you can use our tool
It 's working good in NA, RU,BR,PH
I am improving it more power
How to use it?
First you must download vcredist_x86 and install it
Second, extra all file then open the exe
Follow all tip in this execute
Run crossfire
Remember, some function you can get client error, such as aimbot (30_0), downland...
How to resolve it?
Please use aimbot slowly, downland can use just one time
Use your skill to kill enemy
We will updating link download soon, happy funny

We have:

+ Draw bone
+ Crosshair
+Draw Box 3D
+Fast Fire
+Delay Change Weapon
+Fast Knife
+Round Knife
+Visible check

How to resolve tool detected problem in crossfire

when our tool get message tool detected from server, you can do

1. Login with a noob account

2. Report to me in this topic

3. Waiting for new update

We dont know when server patch our tool, because too much country we must check, that why we need supporter

We will solve all tool every day, every week, please keep following us :D

Watch video tut to know how to use our tool